about me

My name's Paige, and I'm a sixteen year old homeschooler from Southern Maine. I've had Crohn's disease since I was ten, but it wasn't until I developed psoriasis as a side effect from one of my medications that I decided to take control of my disease. For the first time in six years, I am no longer on any medications, and control my Crohn's entirely through herbal remedies, traditional Chinese medicine, yoga, and, most importantly, a whole-foods, plant-based diet. I have a fascination in the methods and tools that we can use to encourage our bodies to heal themselves. I spend most of my time cooking fabulous meals, and whenever I make up a recipe that I think is worthy of being shared, I try to post it online. I am also a passionate vegan, and while I don't focus on animal rights on this blog, don't be surprised if I do mention something to do with the subject. On a typical day, you'll find me in my room hanging out with my cats, with some nice folk music on the record player, while reading Fitzgerald or any other classic literature that makes me feel like I'm philosophical (I'm really not though).

1 comment:

  1. Well done Paige for taking on this terrible disease through natural healing and I love that you're committed to a vegan diet. While we're vegetarian, most of the meals we eat are vegan and I'm going to really look forward to reading some of your posts! Good luck on your journey!

    My son suffers from Crohn's Disease and he is on a vegetarian version of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet which has kept him in remission for 7 years now and it's lovely to see that you've been successful adopting a plant based diet! Yay for veggies!!
